Mexico Motorcycle
Insurance Coverage
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What is Mexico Tourist Motorcycle Insurance?
Mexico tourist motorcycle insurance provides specialized coverage for motorcycles registered in the U.S. or Canada and driven temporarily in Mexico. U.S. and Canadian motorcycle insurance policies are not recognized as valid proof of liability insurance in Mexico, making this coverage essential for riders crossing the border.
What does Mexico Tourist Motorcycle Insurance cover?**
Mexico tourist motorcycle insurance protects against financial losses resulting from accidents, theft, and damages incurred while riding in Mexico. The extent of coverage depends on the limits you choose, the value of your motorcycle, and any policy exclusions.
Below are the primary coverage options included in most motorcycle policies:
Civil Liability: Coverage for damage to others
The cornerstone of Mexico tourist motorcycle insurance is civil liability coverage. This coverage is legally required in Mexico and protects against expenses resulting from damage or injury you may cause to others while riding your motorcycle.
Civil liabilityCoverage for property damage or injuries to others
The cornerstone of Mexico tourist motorcycle insurance is civil liability coverage. This coverage is legally required in Mexico and protects against expenses resulting from damage or injury you may cause to others while riding your motorcycle.
Bodily injury liability: Covers medical expenses for injuries sustained by third parties in an accident you are responsible for.
Property damage liability: Pays for damages to third-party vehicles or property caused by your motorcycle.
Example*: You accidentally swerve into another vehicle, causing damage to their car and minor injuries to the driver. Civil Liability coverage can handle the repair costs and medical expenses of the third party.
Legal & Bail BondsTypically included with civil liability
When you’re involved in an accident in Mexico, legal assistance and bail bond coverage are typically included in your motorcycle insurance policy. This coverage connects you with legal professionals and covers bail bond expenses as required by Mexican law.
Coverage for Your Motorcycle
Property DamageThis is similar to Collision in your US policy.
This coverage is similar to Collision coverage on a U.S. motorcycle policy. If your motorcycle is damaged in an accident or collision, this coverage can pay for repairs or replacement costs, minus the deductible you select.
Example: While navigating a sharp turn, your motorcycle skids off the road, causing $3,000 in damage. With a $500 deductible, you would pay $500, and your insurer would cover the remaining $2,500.
Total TheftIn the US policy, this would be considered part of Comprehensive coverage
If your motorcycle is stolen while you’re in Mexico, this coverage can compensate you for its market value, minus the selected deductible.
Example: You park your motorcycle outside a restaurant, and it’s stolen while you’re dining. After reporting the theft to the Mexican police, your policy may cover the loss after applying the deductible.
Medical ExpenseThis is a form of Medical Payments in your US auto policy
You and your passenger are injured after being struck by another vehicle. Medical expense coverage may cover your hospital bills and treatment costs.
Example*: After a minor accident, your motorcycle can no longer be ridden. Towing coverage ensures your bike is transported to the nearest repair shop.
Towing & LaborFor moving and labor expenses when the vehicle is inoperable after a covered an accident
If your motorcycle becomes inoperable after a covered accident, towing and labor coverage will tow your motorcycle to the nearest repair facility. Specific limits on towing distance or cost may vary by policy.
Example*: After a minor accident, your motorcycle can no longer be ridden. Towing coverage ensures your bike is transported to the nearest repair shop.
Travel assistance coverage
Travel AssistanceVarious coverages to improve your drive through Mexico
Travel assistance coverage offers extra support during your motorcycle journey in Mexico, including:
- 24-hour medical hotlines
- Emergency medical transportation
- Repatriation of injured parties or remains
- Assistance with accommodations for family members if you’re hospitalized
Note: Review your policy details carefully to confirm which travel benefits are included.
*The coverages described in this article are informational. Where the coverage described may describe Mexico tourism auto insurance coverage you have purchased, you must refer to the policy to determin the actual protection offered. Moreover, the limit of liability offered is the amount showng on your policy documents and is customarily the maximum amount of benefit available under your policy. This is the maximum amount of coverage your insurance company will pay per the policy. For more information, consult an insurance agent, policy or your insurance company.
**The descriptions contained on this page are for informational purposes only. No coverage is implied. Ultimately, Mexico auto insurance coverage is determined by the insurance carrier proving the auto insurance. To fully understand your coverage, plese consult your Mexico tourism auto insurance policy.